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Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Paper Industry

Procter & Gamble’s Regina Gray Details Diversity Programs



As an 十大菠菜软件董事会成员和产品供应-家庭护理的高级副总裁 & 甘布尔,格雷带来了一个独特的观点,如何行业正在寻找不同的声音. She started her journey in the paper industry in college, interning at P&G at a plant in Albany, Georgia. As she transitioned from student to professional, Gray became a full-time employee at the Albany Mill, working on two paper machine start-up teams and in operations roles.

“很早就有机会看到设备的安装和初创公司的每一个元素的工作,这让我对技术有了一定的了解,也让我掌握了领导一个组织的技能," Gray recalled.

格雷认为,她在制药厂的经历为培养人才和认识他们的优势奠定了基础. 她承认,这是领导一个组织,尤其是一个多元化的组织所需要的基础.

“我亲眼目睹了一个多元化的组织如何胜过一个同质化的组织. 技能和经验的多样性对于应对这个行业的挑战是必要的," Gray said.

Diversity in skills and experiences is important to P&G. 他们在整个公司有多个项目,专注于带来多样性, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) to light.

"At Procter & Gamble, 电子竞技赌注的软件渴望创造一个人人平等和包容的公司和世界," Gray said.

P&G does this by having a variety of affinity groups for their colleagues. 这些群体是具有共同身份特征的个体的集合, which can be a wide range of things.

For instance, 非洲血统领导网络是P&G. 今天,一个拥有2300多名非裔美国员工的社区是该组织的一部分.

“非洲血统领袖网络与公司领导层合作实现这一愿望. It is focused on bold, visible progress in AA talent progression at all levels, 建立足够的人才管道和包容性文化,让AA级人才获得同等的接纳和成功," Gray said.

P&G致力于在整个组织内招募和提升非裔美国人才. They accomplish this through a variety of tactics.

"We do this through recruitment, sponsorship, talent development, 外部宣传和社区参与,以确保电子竞技赌注的软件为后代实现平等正常化," Gray noted.

With events, initiatives, and partnerships, P&G is helping make others feel that they belong. While Gray is working diligently to ensure a sense of belonging for P&G employees now, she's also focused on the future.

“我计划在余下的岁月里专注于培养下一代领导人, 发展这项业务并逐步改变造纸行业的可持续性," Gray said.

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